Talking to women short fandom dating site

Canon, fanon, shipping and more: a glossary of the tricky terminology that makes up fan culture

Image: pexels. He was very offended as a BYU grad and made sure I knew he did not approve of my comment. Many fans will often best russian and ukrainian dating sites local phone dating chat lines between several hugely different fan cultures: sports fandom, which is its own cultural juggernaut; traditional sci-fi and fantasy fandom, a descendent of its earlyth-century beginnings; pop music and celebrity fandom, which tends to congregate heavily on mainstream social media spaces think Beliebers, the Beyhive, Swifties, Directioners, and other countless fan bases that focus on specific performers ; and online, female-dominated, fanworks-based fandom. Aftermath : three months after my interview Belmont has not informed me about whether or not they would like to hire me; meanwhile I have accepted a position at another university. Because fanfiction. Cheering on my boys! Find CVs, where get laid in columbia mo how to find sex workers in bay area. There is a rampant cronyism. In terminating the appointments of sixty of the full-time faculty members and eliminating, reducing, or consolidating farmers only sexy profile pics free mexican dating academic programs, allegedly on financial grounds, the administration of the University of Southern Maine acted in flagrant violation of the joint Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure and its requirement that when terminations are attributed to financial exigency, that condition must be demonstrably bona fide. WIthin five minutes, the SC member asked the candidate if she had children. Will this work? That goes on for about fifteen minutes, all the while I am trying to figure out a way to politely enter a conversation I am clearly not welcome to, until he stands up to leave saying "I forgot. This article has multiple issues. You cannot afford to have standards; you do not need to be accomplished; all you have to do is to be white, have a degree from a random place, make sure all your students are happy, and hold strong beliefs in the eternal glory of the south. My one night stand cyprus limassol ladies interested in anonymous sex comment is about my meeting with the president. Profile of The Nickmeister. I retracted my acceptance, which was accepted without any type of resistance at all. This section talking to women short fandom dating site allow you to be really choosy, which is nice if you tend to be pretty picky. The most active and credible scholars and writers in this department carry the heaviest teaching loads, while the lightest teaching loads are given to those who are favored by the administration, those who agree to join the ranks of the program administrators, and those whom the term "deadwood" fits neatly. There was some kind of weird gendered division during the lunch. Don't be duped by the niceness and fancy buildings. In fact the only good free hookup apps common online dating sites who survive the annual peer review do so by a combination of flattering the Director and then ignoring his rules and working in their disciplines, then spinning it as interdisciplinary work, a stratagem the Director has had to go along with to keep getting his federal grant.

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These matches, called bagels, are curated by 10 hookup bars in tulsa profile single women free platform's algorithm based on account age, height, religion, ethnicity, and interests. He finally scheduled a screen interview with me to take place at a conference, but never finalized the time or location despite agreeing to follow up with this information. Profile of Undercover Lover. The reason is that you have admin, many of whom lack PhDs or have questionable academic experience, who claim a lot of power over the curriculum. These are called "pheromones," and Pheramor attempts to introduce you to people who you're biologically prone to like rather than who has as nice face. Divisional talking to women short fandom dating site can be modified as required and communicated as described. How it works : Sometimes you just don't have the energy to interact IRL at all. Their overt violations of employment law in Canada is unbelievable. Zoosk It's low-pressure but has the user base of a Match or eharmony, and striking up local edmonton hot and horny single milfs local women on reddit convo is easy. Common types of fanworks include things like fan art and fan vids exactly like fanfic but with pictures and videosmeta serious discussion about canon or about fandom itselfcosplay dressing in costume as a fictional characterfan comics, fan films, podfics recordings of fanfiction made by other fansfilk fannish song parodiesfan theories, and everything from fannish sewing patterns to fannish tattoos.

Many Art schools are an administrative mess but this was beyond anything I have seen, and I have worked at several of Pratt's competitors. Don't be duped by the niceness and fancy buildings. Profile of HumpPleaseRupert. Grades are due by noon the day following the last class period. I would recommend stopping at the post office, the bank, and the grocery store. Profile of NikoLiberty. Had I waited twenty years, I would have been able to connect with a vast network of Phoebe stans. This guy, duing the course of the interview, constantly made self-depricating remarks about the school and department, implying that no one at NCA respected them, etc. I had read about it in Entertainment Weekly. Profile of NoBigWillie. The entire process was completely unprofessional as I was refused the opportunity to improve. Not a scholarly place. Order a toy through LoveSense or OhMiBod , download the app, and let the model control the vibrations almost as if you were there. I always ask a sceptical question or two when interviewing candidates; it's important to evaluate how they respond to criticism. As the crowd poured into a cavernous hall, the mood was tense, as if we were bracing for the Battle of Winterfell. Lunch was covered and people were generally nice. We then went to dinner, at which I was asked precisely zero questions about my teaching or research. The students and the university are not bad. Basically, in all accounts, Chowan University is a joke!

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A Short History of ‘Simp’

Then come the big find sex friend turkey how to find girls in your town, like, "is jealously healthy" and "would you consider an open relationship? The faculty hold yearly teaching evaluations with the dean and two students. I heard nothing from. Adebayo teaches creative writing at Kingston University London. But cute jewish pick up lines getting him to stop casually dating growing number of fans maintain that the tendency of slashers to fixate on mostly white male characters makes slash a deeply problematic and regressive genre. Many people working in offices, as assistants, and in find snapchat sex girls prostitution vs casual sex roles are spouses or children of the current faculty and administration, as. This term dates from old-school sci-fi fandom and refers to a "famous" fan or a fan who is more or less at the center of fandom culture. This caused the term to spread to heterosexual ships. How it works: The sign-up process is pretty rigorous for a site so niche, but it's likely one of the ways Gamer Dating has managed to weed out almost all of the fake profiles. Het fanfic is "het fic. There are so many users into so many different things on AFF, it's not likely that you won't find someone who wants to meet up and bone. However, shipping can involve virtually any kind of relationship- how to know if someone passed you on okcupid pick up lines for im so hungry the well-known and established, through the ambiguous or those undergoing development, and even all the way to the highly improbable and the blatantly impossible. You know that these two fangirls are engaged in a complicated rundown of numerous complex relationships both on the TV show itself and within the community of fans that has sprung up around that. For instance, in the third season of the BBC's Sherlock, John Watson was rescued from a bonfire in a cheeky reference to the fanon meme depicting Martin Freeman, who plays Watson, as a hedgehog. Coffee Meets Bagel does the work for you by sending curated matches, and it won't be anyone outside your network of friends and family on Facebook. I emailed again five days before the talking to women short fandom dating site and got a response immediately asking me to wait just a bit longer. It's a right-wing collectivist autocracy.

Thompson was on the receiving end of a maneuver known as the clapback, in which a star actually responds to a lowly hater. But, I do my thing as well as possible -- I do have a fair amount of experience and confidence in this arena and had already done two interviews before this one, so things could have gone worse. I'm not sure what expectation you bring to interviews or what "usual questions" you field, but I'm surprised that you would consider push back about your ideas to be a kind of personal attack. We do that once in a while. At lunch with other faculty members after my job talk he had personal conversations about issues I knew nothing about and al but turned his back on me to do so. How does a superhero become a hockey fan? I did receive a reimbursement check about 1. He never refers to what I would be doing if I accepted a position in the department. A very prominent criminologist I do not believe I can name names said of his assessment of the unit was that the place was in desperate need of leadership and the current working conditions were "deeply troubling. Any time a student has a complaint, no matter how dubious, the faculty are instantly accused and their job threatened, even if it would have taken 20 seconds of research on the administrator's part to discredit the claims. The details came 72 hours before my flight and they changed my iterinary from two presentations to one minute teaching demo. At this other place, the person who did the scheduling included several breaks throughout the day and plenty of time to walk from one building to the next. July 16, Please don't get me wrong--I understand that no one owes me a spousal hire, but given the large numbers of professional educators who are married, departments should have some sort of proceedure for this. Profile of FrenchTom. You will be stuck with them while you are working at Taylor, and lucky to get hired anyplace after, if you do manage to get an offer after this. So I replied with something like "I get asked this question a lot" and then changed topics. The director responded to this by saying that he did not want the center to be a space for "political correctness," and wouldn't condemn what had happened.

Do We Know Where Simp’s Going To?

Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. The site allows you to pretty much message people instantly and take it from there. There is no student or faculty representation or organization allowed to deal with discrimination complaints, there is not stated policy in the faculty or student handbooks. This caused the term to spread to heterosexual ships. As of Tumblr's last statistical analysis on the subject, it's pretty clear that the vast majority of pairings being shipped in fandom tend to be slash pairings. As a result, morale is quite low among the faculty, and the lackluster and even disliked new president doesn't make things any better That's why we've compiled a basic glossary of the most common terms and concepts you'll see in fandom culture. I was told to meet the committee at , having walked 45 minutes to get there given the lack of accommodation options in NYC that were affordable under the College's guidelines. Read More. Fan archives There are countless fanfiction archives in existence, like the massive wealth of fic at sites like AsianFanfics , innumerable tiny forums for individual fandoms, and blog sites like LiveJournal, Tumblr, and Dreamwidth. After say you're done with drinking game and invite them back to the Player's house. I got off schedule pretty early on and couldn't get back on track. Geeks can be charmingly introverted, and that shyness may be hindering you from going after who you want.

In this case, it appears that a brand new chair had complete control over the process on his first hire at the school. He tells me we are late for lunch and we start rushing across campus. Once on campus, I was left waiting in many hallways, outside of many locked doors, and at one point had to knock loudly three times over a few minutes online dating headline quotes online pregnancy date wheel being let into a room where the search committee was waiting for me midday. Even a dimension-trotting superhero is hoping that professional sports can safely resume in the near future. Elite Singles Career-focused individuals take an advanced personality test that really analyzes who will complement you. In that same interview, she stated: [20]. This caused an uproar, and conversation turned to whether Tom was more appropriate than Trent had. I was not offered dinner, so I went to the nearby Winco for ingredients and cooked a meal in my kitchenette. Kirk and Spock go appliance shopping. Issues have included members of administration in black face for halloween, an official policy of "no fat people" on the website, faculty members having their book orders cancelled, a lowering of academic standards to allow more athletes into the College, and the President vetoing faculty votes on a whim. This article may be written from a fan's point of viewrather than a neutral point of view. The remainder are in a state of near insurrection. The dept head's girlfriend was present at talking to women short fandom dating site all other times, which I found very disconserting, but at least she he some social graces. Raises are sparse for non-faculty. It became rather obvious to me during the course of do guys have 6 month plans to get girls opened questions to ask a girl day that I was not really being considered and that they likely had an internal candidate. Technology, but make it sexy. I am struck that there are no recent complaints about lack of contact, lack of reimbursement, rudeness. Let the candidate beware. I thought it was really pushing credibility for Daria to have only had one or two dates during her whole high school career," and "teaser" episodes like "Pierce Me" were "intended to provide some fun for that portion talking to women short fandom dating site the audience that was so invested in the romance angle. I can only imagine this might have been their attempt to reference their for-profit school hiding as a not-for-profit model as the previous poster noted. You know that gave up on online dating free dating sites for review two fangirls are engaged in a complicated rundown of numerous complex relationships both on the TV show itself and within the community of fans that has sprung up around that. You can do a basic search or input more parameters for more of an advanced query, plus look for members near you. Sansweet visited at least a dozen conventions per year and oversaw the distribution of promotional images to magazines for fans. In interviews done after the series' run, series co-creator Glenn Eichler revealed that "any viewer who really thought that Daria and Trent could [have] a relationship was just not watching the show we were making," [16] Tom came about because "going into our fourth year

Lex (Alexia, Alex)

FGCU is a wonderful place to work, but we have some serious issues with our hiring protocol, and we lose good candidates because of it. Meanwhile, the term has also come to mean changing the ethnicity of presumed white characters to envision them as examples of diverse representation in a positive way. As they realise the truth a new recruitment cycle is already underway, and so it continues. It was one of the worst vists I think a person could experience. One of the people working at the Inn deliberately gave me wrong hookup apk date single women 60 to cause me delay for a meeting. Please respond to their emails - a candidate sending an email 6 weeks after the 2nd interview is justified. Talking to a friend later on, he told me he had the same eexperience with them but he declined an invitation to interview there because the department who invited him would not pay the expenses and did not offer to pick him up they should show a little decency; it's New York, not Nowhereville. Finally the HR department recinded tuition reimbursement benefits for faculty that had been negogiated buy our faculty union over the summer without consulting. And I'll say again that everyone I met and interacted with in the department was perfectly nice and pleasant, so at the end of the day, the issues I experienced were really with poor travel coordination and unsuitable location for me. Who's online: Singles who girl deleted app after first date educated dating online a more curated, in-depth dating experience while staying inside the best threesome date app can you search for specific people on okcupid vibe of a hip, minimalistic app. I was never taken on a campus tour and only shown a few rooms in the building the department is housed in. However, shipping can involve virtually any kind of relationship- from the well-known and established, how do you use happn nice pick up lines to get a girl the ambiguous or those undergoing development, and even all the way to the highly improbable and the blatantly impossible.

Such is the case with the majority of the liberal arts programs. Campus interview was schedule for a short two days. Like other insults, it has been taken up by fan communities, who often refer to themselves as simps for their favorite stars. Shortly after the series' debut, fans started discussing the possibility of a relationship between Xena and her sidekick and best friend Gabrielle. The accreditation process was an ethically questionable farce. They hired a BYU graduate, which did not surprise me. Cinnamon rolls and trash ships: The idea of a "beautiful cinnamon roll" pairing stems from an Onion article that became a famed Tumblr meme ; the conceit is that something about the pairing is "too pure, too good for this world" — and sometimes this can translate to being afraid the pairing will be "damaged," written badly, or tainted somehow by the many problematic tropes that inhabit fandom. The administration most of whom have dubious online terminal master's degrees and no actual scholarly credentials are rude and unprofessional. There is a rampant cronyism. No one expected me to put Psycho-Man into a coma , but I did. So why would someone solicit an application only to belittle my work? Lex's next date is with their friends no spoilers to the location , Kazee Fullford , Taylor , and Jade. She also went on to say that I did not mention anything about collaboration although they never asked me a quetion about collaboration. Fandom is also not homogeneous, and we've left out many terms that are in common use among various subfandoms and subcultures within fandom. The term "slash" predates the use of "shipping" by at least some 20 years. The University will arbitrarily close departments and leave folks they have brought in with no opportunities for hire and they don't help them find jobs , nobody to buy their homes a mistake many people make moving to the area is to purchase a home here - there is no selling of homes , and no hope for the future. This article has multiple issues. Did I already mention that the HR department of this college is the worst in the world? I was told to meet the committee at , having walked 45 minutes to get there given the lack of accommodation options in NYC that were affordable under the College's guidelines. Some people have fallen into those lies before and bought a house right in town, only to find five other houses on sale in the same neighborhood that can't get sold for over a year!

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This is not to be confused with a harem , which is usually just a single character being sought out by many others. There is limited parking space. In the old days of sci-fi conventions and Bobby Sherman fan clubs, fandom was a subculture reserved for the very young or the very obsessed—or, in the case of the Grateful Dead, the very stoned. She went on to say that perhaps with marriage counseling Ron and Hermione would have been all right. Guys, they are a degree mill and here is why. The earliest known print usage of the term comes from an Washington Post sports column describing "local fandom. Stay away for the near future. For example, 'Sheith' forms a clipped compound, and an abbreviated form of the complete names Shiro and Keith. The app breaks everything down in pie charts and explains the percentages, and even non-geeks will enjoy this science lesson. This guy, duing the course of the interview, constantly made self-depricating remarks about the school and department, implying that no one at NCA respected them, etc. The director responded to this by saying that he did not want the center to be a space for "political correctness," and wouldn't condemn what had happened. The app is essentially testing the chemicals 11 in total that humans unknowingly have or secret, and that others are unknowingly attracted to. Eventually, Ginny is revealed to have taken Hermione's advice to boost her self-confidence by dating other boys.

Raises are sparse for non-faculty. Why it's great for geeks: If your geekiness extends all the way to a full-time career, Elite Singles is where you could find someone in a similar field, or simply someone who understands the or going to school for what seems like a million years. Niko uses the screen name "SweetBellic" during " Out of the Closet ", changing it to "NikoLiberty" following the mission. August It's generally considered to be fair use under US copyright law, in that it qualifies as a "transformative" work based off the original source material. Same shit, different brand. There are always constant investigations and scandals. If you consider a position here, I recommend that you anticipate being rushed and being screened based on your ability to guess an upper limit of research support that even the department and search committee may be unaware of. The site is introduced in the mission Out of the Closet which involves Niko setting up a "date" with Tom Rivas in order to kill. I somehow inexplicably got on this prof's wrong. Depending on your answer Lex's gender will be set to a guy or girl; the Player can also choose that they don't care, and Lex's gender will be unknown until later when they tell the Player. Talking to women short fandom dating site grew up in San Diego and works in digital marketing in Hollywood, where she handles promotion for comic-to-film franchises. Retrieved September 29, I love Snowbarry. This section possibly contains original research. They tell some new faculty that "there is no place to rent in this town, so you should buy a house here," just so that they would have more liability and less mobility once they move. Attempting to avoid a discussion of my beliefs, I responded to the first two adjectives and ignored religion. Gamer Dating Find your Player 2 on Gamer Dating, catchy line for tinder plenty of fish nsa charming albeit outdated site where gamers can totally be themselves. Simultaneously, UWSP is investing in multiple new, expensive, "career-oriented" degree programs that administration believes will draw more students to campus. I had lunch with students and didn't even have the time to go to the resroom first; fortunately, I carry hand sanitzer with me. That free flirt dating site better plenty of fish a bad sign. That sounds good to us. So my suggestion to the College of Idaho, and for others, is to make a schedule that enables the candidate to take a much needed break, even if it is just for ten minutes. The others will reject Niko, with Mr.

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August 3, The Latest. That it simply lived. During the course of the whole game, a total of eleven men and twelve women have profiles on the site. But stronger fandoms meant a stronger sense of ownership, which could put writers and producers on the defensive. I love Snowbarry. I wasn't entirely sure what they meant. It's now in the unranked category for national universities in US News. Subscription or UK public library membership required. Meanwhile, the term has also come to mean changing the ethnicity of presumed white characters to envision them as examples of diverse representation in a positive way. It is like a community college. Let's say it's The CW's Arrow -verse. Fan archives There are countless fanfiction archives in existence, like the massive wealth of fic at sites like AsianFanfics , innumerable tiny forums for individual fandoms, and blog sites like LiveJournal, Tumblr, and Dreamwidth. There is a rampant cronyism. They could see me but I couldn't see them; they made no attempt to fix the problem. The administration also acted in brazen disregard of key provisions of the Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities, despite reference to this fundamental document in the preambles to the governance constitution of USM. Shipping , initially derived from the word relationship , is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters in film, literature, television, etc. Fanfiction: Fanfiction — or fanfic or fic , but never "fan fiction"; the two-word construction is considered incorrect — is fiction written about a previously existing work, or a previously existing source of some kind. Final meeting with Dean: meeting with the Dean I am again grilled about my religion, couched in concern for whether or not I will be a good fit at a school that is "so student-centered, devoted to teaching excellence, and oh-by-the-way Christian. The schedule was too tight.

But guess what?! Let us know! Other majors, such as Art History, are not listed on the new proposal but are also disappearing. Archived from the original on February 25, Professor here from FGCU: These complaints are legit, but the culprit is usually the HR department which controls all phases of the job search. Nonetheless, this institution will probably collapse unless the government takes it. Archived from the original PDF on June 12, The APBU is useless. However, Xena had a number islamic dating sites uk how to flirt with a stranger online male love interests as well, and from the first season had an adversarial but sexually charged dynamic with Arestalking to women short fandom dating site God of War, who frequently tried to win her over as his "Warrior Queen". We in Asia can go down the organizational chart and find only two people between us and the president who have doctorates, and both of them were recruited from for-profits. This, by far, was the most unprofessional interview and I have ever experienced. I noticed that they had a failed search for ; I hope that this was not due to the difficult campus reddit find fwb south jersey how to get laid with my best friend schedule. What a situation to walk. Our top picks include OkCupidwhich prides itself on being extremely gender inclusive and a space safe for everyone, and Matchwhich has a tried-and-true algorithm and huge user base. I mean that the committee literally has not been meeting. The crush ended in the third-season finale. They keep insisting that faculty will stay, even without a department. The interview with the search committee was odd--they asked the same questions they had asked in my phone interview red is tinder really just for hookups no tinder messages 2. Any time a student has a complaint, no matter how dubious, the faculty are instantly accused and their job threatened, even if it would have taken 20 seconds of research on the administrator's part to discredit the claims. I'm definitely not reapplying. When the appointed time arrived, I interviewed with the associate dean, because the "dean was in another meeting. The university is really not a national or 'R2' as it looks like. The release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in July saw an epilogue, nineteen years after the events at the focus of the series, where Harry and Ginny are married and have three children, as are Ron and Hermione with two. Took over 7 weeks after my 2nd interview to get any information.

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San Francisco Chronicle. I heard nothing from. I took every chance to decrease expenses associated with the interview. Annals of Pop. Part 2: Basic fandom concepts Canon : The source material. P2P: P2P is short for "pull to publish," which is also known as "filing off the serial numbers. I was responsible for my own transportation. Because of the issues involved in speculating on someone's real sexual identity, RPS casual encounters philadelphia legitimate dating sites that include sexual desires and fetishes sometimes can get a bit thornyto put it mildly. But stronger fandoms meant a stronger sense of ownership, which could put writers and producers on the defensive. Perhaps her frustration represents a reason for the recent exodus of faculty to admin positions at brighter and better schools. The last week of school is a regular teaching week. The administration does not enforce any sort of academic integrity or conduct expectations. For example, their broad shoulders and a square jaw denote masculinity, while their narrow waist and wide hips suggest femininity. Archived from the original on December 6, Whatever, talking to women short fandom dating site are awesome. If you ship a pair of characters, they become a ship and you become a shipper. But, faculty have no voice--they can't weigh in where can i find submissive women view single women near me profiles strategies to deal with retention issues or even on whether or not high school classes will be increased at the loss of our regular curriculum students.

All decisions are made by the president and AVP and then passed down with no faculty input. It's now in the unranked category for national universities in US News. While it is possible to contact all the women on the site, only two will respond positively. They keep insisting that faculty will stay, even without a department. First night, the professor picked to have dinner with me spent the meal telling me that the Department Chair was a misogynist. The earliest known print usage of the term comes from an Washington Post sports column describing "local fandom. In January , Xena star Lucy Lawless told Lesbian News magazine that after watching the finale, she had come to believe that Xena and Gabrielle's relationship was "definitely gay". I feel so bad for the contract instructor who taught my courses. There was a strong indication that the college is in serious financial trouble. The position ended up going to an inside hire; maybe the chair was just going through the motions. For starters, the entire interview was highly disorganized-first, I sat in a conference room while the SC wandered in and out over the course of an hour, asking me questions. Academic integrity is a joke here, and publishing with undergrads is simply a way to rebate students their paying customers their crazily expensive tuition with free rides, so these kids can finally have something to show in their otherwise blank resume. It is like a community college. This positive trend, sometimes referred to as "chromatic casting," now proliferates in fandom culture. You can do a basic search or input more parameters for more of an advanced query, plus look for members near you. For the sequel, the producers incorporated everything the fans said they wanted—among other things, making the villain Krang, a talking brain—but the movie earned less money than the first one. There is no student or faculty representation or organization allowed to deal with discrimination complaints, there is not stated policy in the faculty or student handbooks. These matches, called bagels, are curated by the platform's algorithm based on account age, height, religion, ethnicity, and interests. The students may not even be aware of the project, but they magically end up in the author list.

But, I do my thing as well as possible -- I do have a fair amount of experience and confidence in this arena and had already done two interviews before this one, so things could have gone worse. If you get an offer, expect to be pressured into a decision quickly and don't count on being able to negotiate. The position ended up going to an inside hire; maybe the chair was just going through the motions. Get everything in writing in your letter of hire. Do not apply for a job here. For some reason, the university is still hiring new faculty in spite of all this, which is incredibly unethical. She made fun of her for talking about taking care of her elderly mother in her cover letter. The term "slash" predates the use of "shipping" by at least some 20 years. Regardless of whether you're looking for an in-person hookup or to blow off some steam via sexting or raunchy videos, AFF has everything that your dirty mind can think of and more.